Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Update Wizard

10:39 AM


One question on the “Update” feature.  I haven’t used it yet but just trying to figure out what happens when you use it. 

So say you update all the financial information and any changes that might need to be done with assumptions, etc.,  does the program then use those numbers and the date (for example if I updated the financial information to February 28th) and project the year-end results for this year based on 10 months of returns / expenses?

If you use the update feature I assume it changes the “date of financial information” to the current month. Correct? If you just go in and make changes to the data then it will be using the previous date for calculations unless you manually change the “date of financial information”. 

Basically the update feature seems to be an automated feature that adjusts the date for calculations and allows you to update the financial information. 

If you need to do more than that then you can go into the other sections to do that.


This is correct. The Update Wizard gathers all main and changing data entries in one location (mostly asset values), and updates the date as you describe.

If you use the Detailed or Quick retirement calculations, you must change the date manually.

If you go through the Update Wizard, you can always go in the Detailed Retirement calculation and change the date back if you wish. It is not cast in stone. However, it's best to update the date if you update the market values.


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