Friday, July 6, 2012

Updating Date of Calculation

5:47 PM


1. When I load my old file, which worked fine before, it says my retirement date is befoe the minimum date allowed? I picked same date from the calendar and got same message?

2. My Date of Financial Information also gives the same out-of-range message. I tried the calendar to pick the date and got the same message again.

3. When I run the calculation without changes to my data file it does not show any CPP income just OAS?


1. It's because the program looks in the future. I know it may be an annoying feature, but the illustration starts from today and goes forward. Note that a date of retirement before the date of calculations is accepted.

2. Use today's date or a later date.

3. Even though you are retired, enter a value for income in Financial Information. By selecting 'Already retired' the program will calculate an estimate for the CPP based on your earnings level.

The CPP needs earnings to calculate an estimate unless you enter a monthly amount already in the course of payment.


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